About Michael

About Michael

Hello and Welcome to my Website.

I hope that you find the content interesting and if you are looking for answers I hope you find them here. If not please ask!

My Story

I am from London and have a passion for decorative, Antique, Vintage, Retro and interesting lighting and the effects these can have on a living environment.

I now live in Watford Hertfordshire around 20 Miles north of central London.

In my early years I trained as a draughtsman, this was in the days when technical drawings were made using drawing pens, pencils and scale rulers. My jobs have varied greatly from large building contractors to smaller engineering companies.

As the years rolled on I found myself trained on and using computer aided drawing programmes “AutoCAD”. After the internet launched, and with time,  I found myself emailing large drawings to customers all around the world.

I was from the last generation that would have gone from the extremes of actually “posting” large drawing paper prints in the post to emailing drawings for immediate review by a customer. I found myself fascinated by the internet, emails and webpages and the amazing possibilities that these “new” tools held.

My interest in lighting started when I was very young and was sparked by my Aunt Maureen.

In the 1970s my Aunt worked at really “trendy” Central London department store called Heals of Tottenham Court Road.

During this late 1960s and 1970s period Heals had a wide range of interesting lighting and interior design pieces which were cutting edge in terms of design and function. Being an employee my Aunt had access to some excellent pieces of lighting and I recall being in awe when I visited her home seeing pieces that looked space age in comparison to the run-of-the-mill lighting that was available in most high streets.

Terence Conran Mac Lamps, Spun Fiberglass Rocket Lamps, Danish flying saucer ceiling pendants – All of these were to be found at my Aunts house.

The influence of those years has stayed with me and has given me the foundation of what I do today.

I started selling items of lighting on eBay and quickly discovered that there was a huge world wide market for all types of interesting lighting and collectable items.

Michael Adkin








This is me.

So Many Questions – Not Many Answers

There are so many questions regarding the choice of lighting for a particular setting.

I have been selling lighting for many years now and it has become apparent that unbiased information and guidance is difficult to find.

The Aim of my Website

I would like my Website to become a resource for information regarding decorative lighting and its applications, I would like to think that people who visit will have fun and enjoy their time here and I would love to hear from people who have similar ideas.

If you ever need help or have any questions, please feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to assist you.

Kind Regards

Michael Adkins


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71 thoughts on “About Michael

  1. Hello I have a number of original shades and art nouveau lights and wonder if you would be interested in them if I sent a photo?

  2. My tenant just shattered a vintage Parisian holophane globe lamp. It was bulb shaped with a band of brass holding the two parts of the glass together. I had it surface mounted on the Newell post of my staircase. Can you help me find a replacement?

  3. Hi

    We’ve been watching your lovely copper ceiling lights on eBay. Is there any chance we could come and have a look? We would want just the one for our kitchen. Maybe we could do some sort of deal if we take it with us, and can save you the postage?

    Best wishes

    0794 1476688


    1. Hi Keith,

      I am so sorry I have only just seen this email. I was out all of yesterday for my daughters birthday so have been a bit slow on catching up.

      I see that you have since purchased the light, thank you very much. I have saved your mobile number – Mine is 07966 710 348

      If you ever need anything else from my eBay please message me directly and I will sell to you face to face and offer you a good discount. Apologies again for the delay.

  4. Hi Michael,

    I have been restoring Holophane lights for a while now but have been unsuccessful in finding any spare clips that hold the 2 sections together. I don’t suppose you have found a supplier for these I have tried every thing even talking directly to Holophane in USA but no joy, any thoughts or ideas?

    1. Hi Rick,

      Sadly I cant help I’m afraid. I know how difficult it is to find the clips, I did have a box of used spares years ago but they have gradually been used.

      If anything comes up I will let you know.


  5. I have inherited quite a few pieces of Bernard Rooke pottery, some is scribed with a BR and some stamped ROOKE. I am looking for someone to value the pieces with the potential for me selling them. if you could help or put me onto someone who knows about Rooke pottery I would be very grateful.
    kind regards.

  6. I have a Bernard Rooke totem floor lamp (bought in Clevedon,Somerset 1969) identical to the one I believe you sold to Graham Cooley. I would like to sell it and seek your advice on best
    way to go about it.
    Kind Regards.

  7. Dear Mike,
    I have recently unpacked a crystal chandelier that hung in my parents home in London in the early 1960’s. I well remember the annual cleaning operation that thankfully never ended as Del and Rodney’s effort did many years ago. Sadly, the item that was purchased on the Portabello Road back in around 1962 has lain unloved for over 30 years and today has been cleaned and washed but is in pieces and in need of some tlc to restore to its original splendor.
    Fitted to a brass central circle with a solid safety chain there are 36 strings each of seven cut crystals and a tear droplet (?) to each that attaches to a glass bowl hanger. I believe I have all the pieces of which only one appears to have been damaged at some point in time. The four light bulb fittings need replacing and bringing up to modern safety wiring standards. I have taken a number of pictures that I would be happy to mail you under separate cover. Sadly, I live in a property with low ceilings that cannot take a fixture such as this. Two questions; 1 – would you be able to restore? and 2 – would you be interested in purchasing or selling on a commission basis?
    Kind regards

  8. Hello Michael
    Here’s a toughy. I bought the beautiful Tessellate wall lamp from Habitat a few years back. I can see from your blog that you’re a fan too. Problem… one day all the led lights went out in one go.
    Habitat have been unhelpful – other than to say LEDs last 20,000 hours ( I think i had about 2,000 hours max so well below this) then they break and are irreplaceable. Not sure if one LED breaking means they all go out?
    Anyway, any thoughts on whether this is fixable?!
    Yours hoping, and thank you

    1. Hi Phil.

      It is a tough one on this type of light, these should last a usable lifetime but when they go they really do go.

      The last time i looked at a similar set up (i am not 100% sure what the Tessellate is like now) for a friend the parts and specialist labor to replace the damaged LED’s was not economically viable when compared to buying a new light.

      Maybe you could figure out when you bought it, work out how long the bulbs had been used for and write a letter of strong complaint, Habitat are pretty good (usually) on customer care.

      Kind Regards

  9. Hello Michael,
    I am looking to convert an old Aladdin brass oil lamp to electric. It was my husband’s grandfather’s lamp so of sentimental value and it would be really nice to be able to use it again. It says Aladdin 23 on the side of it, if that indicates the type of lamp it is?
    However I need some advice on where I can source the parts I need, and any tips on converting it, and I’ve just come across your website so wondered if you could you help me with some advice? I’ve done some research online so it seems fairly straightforward to do? Is that right? Any help would be gratefully received.
    I have taken photos of the lamp that I can send, if that helps.
    Thanks in advance

  10. Hello.
    Do you work on fans at all? We brought an old table fan back from america with us. Is it possible to convert to work in the uk at all? We haven’t dared try it through a converter in case we blow the motor.

  11. Hi
    I have about 20 perfect original Christopher Wray glass chandalier shades from the early 1970’s, I don’t know if you are interested but if so, please send me your e-mail and I’ll send you photos.

  12. Hello
    Would you know if Carlos Remes lighting has gone bust. I am trying to contact them and cant find anything online about them closing and their website still up and running. I have called and emailed with no luck

  13. Dear Sir
    We the nautical Company India take this opportunity to introduce
    ourselves as manufacturers and exporters of glass lamp shades etc.
    We are furnishing some of Our latest product pictures for your
    reference for sale hope you find them interesting we express our
    sincere gratitude for your Company and our successful business
    collaboration always if given a chance

    please send me your email address i am attach some Holophane glass globe 6 inch or 9 inch

    The nautical company

  14. Hi michael i have the vintage 1970”s light you’ve featured on your page the very first example on your page of buying a light and you show an example of it lit and unlit just wondering what’s it worth and would you be interested in making me an offer for it thanks.

  15. Hi Michael, I live in Wheathampstead and I am struggling to find someone nearby to take my 1960’s fibre glass spun floor orange rocket lamp to so that it can be re-wired (double lamp holder inside). Does such a shop/person exist? Thank you

    1. Hi Nichola,

      I have one of these in my front room, They are not that difficult to do, they just need care because of the fiberglass.

      If you can send my a close up photo of the double fittings you have I will see if i can help.

      Please reply to my email i have just sent you.


  16. Hi, when we moved in to our current property we took down 3 wall lights and 2 matching ceiling lights, we are about to move again and while sorting through our loft I came across the lights. The ceiling light’s have the labels ‘Christopher Wray’s Manufacturing Ltd’ so I was wondering if you knew about the style I have and if you have any information on them. I have taken pictures I can send. Thanks

  17. Hello MIchael

    I am a silver dealer based in Hertfordshire, Napsbury in St Albans and a friend of mine has asked me to sell 8 x vintage crystal chandeliers/ceiling lights, rather nice crystal, three branch,es and five branch chandeliers. The crystal is good and most or complete or missing the odd crystal.

    Rather than mess about selling them individually is this something that may be of interest to you as a group?.

    If so please drop me a line or feel free to contact me omn 07970 618 204.

    Many thanks.

    Kind Regards

    Lee Sherman (The Art of Quality)

  18. Hello Michael,
    I am desperately looking for a plain white flycatcher ceiling shade,preferably pyramidal in shape & with impressed glass[flowers,etc].
    Would you keep an eye open for me in case such a shade becomes available to you?They used to be common.
    Thank you.

  19. I have original catalogues from Christopher Wray
    One being from the beginning of trading with price list also have catalogue no 5 with price list and no 9 also.
    I did work for them for approx 21 years so knew Christopher Wray well and have a few light fittings from those days.

  20. Hi Michael,

    You don’t know me my name is Thomas.

    I came across your website as I was looking for some information on a light I have had knocking around for sometime.

    First of all your website is awesome and definitely a cup of tea and a biccie moment, to glide around the wonderful objects.

    I’ve got a light which I think is from 60’s and would love if you should cast your expert eye over it and give me any feedback, of course price is important but not the end goal, I find gaining knowledge from a pro rewarding.



  21. Hi Michael

    I have a lovely, Vintage/ Victorian hall ceiling pendant glass lantern, with ornate, burnished brass fixtures, quite heavy and wondered what its value might be and if this is a possible Christopher Wray. It was from my mother’s house in Birmingham ( now passed) and is too big for my flat.
    Any advice please would be appreciated. Thanks Katja

  22. Hi there I would love some advice please due to the rarity of the 1910 – 20? copper street light with Holophane glass. it has printed on the glass face road or street from memory or street side. Are you able to email me please so I could send some photos if you would please be so kind to offer some advice
    many thanks Julie

  23. Hello Michael

    I have a large oil lamp base near 2ft tall. I would like to add a reservoir and incorporate an electric light fitting in the wick, and add a glass oil lamp shade. So it looks like an oil lamp but works as an electric lamp. Can you please help me achieve this ? i have no idea what to do. Kind regards

    Philip Luff

  24. Hi
    I have a two Christopher Wray pendants, one 3 arm and one 4 arm with matching wall lights. Just wondered what resale value would be please. Also have some CW shades.
    Many Thanks

  25. Hello Michael, I was most interested to read your story particularly as we seem to have a number of ‘parallels’. I too was an ‘old school’ draughtsman firstly in the mid 60’s with an engineering firm, using ‘waxed’ linen drawing film and Uno pens, our factory and small drawing office overlooked the Thames and Lambeth Palace at the eastern end of Lambeth Bridge (demolished many years ago to make way for luxury riverside apartments).
    I soon moved across London to become a building surveyor/architectural draughtsman for GUS Ltd, at offices located in Universal House on Tottenham Court Rd, a few doors down from Heals (where I would frequently browse), by now using Letraset, Rapidograph pens and the like!
    A relocation with GUS to Nottingham in the mid 70’s, followed in the late 80’s by a move to a family owned Brewery/Pub Company in Leicester where I first came across Christopher Wray, and as Chief Project Surveyor responsible for pub development and refurbishment (no longer on the drawing board, but retaining specialist design companies, all ‘CAD’ of course) I would frequently pore through the CW catalogue (and often visit the Nottingham showrooms) selecting wonderful pieces to enhance our pubs! It’s a downright shame that such a wonderful business has gone forever!

  26. Hi Michael,

    I have some Christopher Wray wall lights sort of grecian style with curved glass. One of these broke and I was wondering if you knew if and where I can get a replacement. Or where can I get a replacement piece made.

  27. Good afternoon Michael.
    I have posted an offer on your e-bay site in relation to the clappers you have advertised.
    If the offer isn’t to your liking coul you indicate what price may be.
    The offer made is £85.00.
    Thank you.
    Tom Chambers.

  28. Hi Michael

    I have a pair of Bernard Rooke totem table lamps belonging to my late father which I now need to sell. These were originally purchased from Heals around 1969/70. Is this something you would be interested in selling on my behalf or can you give me some advice on the best way to sell these much loved lamps.
    Thank you for any advice you are able to give me.

  29. Hello Michael, while looking for vintage style lights for my cottage I fell in love with one on a second hand site. When I collected it my first thought was ‘this is way too heavy’. I then realised it was very old. I’ve since looked at 100’s of antique / vintage Holophane light images to find out more about it without success.
    It’s a pendant light and I think ‘acorn’ shaped. Approx 15″ long and 9″ wide. The top half is plain opaque glass, the bottom is opaque with the lower part of that cut for the prism effect. The two halves are held together by a brass band. The top fitting is a solid brass cap with a solid ring for hanging. The brass fitting on the bottom looks like an acorn.
    I’ve not taken it apart as there are no screws to undo so not sure if it has a maker’s mark. It’s in great condition.
    I would be grateful for any help you can offer to help identify this light, if that’s possible.
    Thank you, Gwen

  30. Hi Michael
    I have a Christopher Wray Oil Lamp converted to electricity – I think that is an original old lamp as it was left to me by a friend who was around Chelsea in the 60s.
    I would love to send you a photo for your opinion.
    I loved CW – I lived around the Kings Road for much of the late 60s / early 70s and did buy stuff from there (when I could afford it!) Best Ruth

  31. Hi Michael
    I sent you an email a while back with some images a of a pair of Carols Remes lamps that I have. I would love to know what you think of them or if you can direct me to someone who could sell them for me. Please don’t be put off by the fact that I’m in Canada now – I travel back and forth all the time and would consider bringing them to you if you thought you could sell them. Thanks !

  32. I found your site whilst looking for oil lamp conversions. I have an old oil lamp that has been previously converted, and I am looking to get the electrics replaced/refurbished and the old B15 holder replaced with an E14. Is this a service that you provide? Could you quote me the costs on this?

  33. Hello Michael
    I am so behind with the times. I could not believe Christopher Wray were no longer. I have four room in this tiny cottage with exquisite wall lights of the most beautiful colours. But I may need to change the colour of them in one room. Am I able to buy such glass shades anywhere else that would fit the brass holders? Are the glass shades of a standard size in their opening at the top. I would be very grateful if you could advise me. Thank you.

  34. Hi Michael.
    I have an occasional table very similar to the one you have restored here, but mine is a bit taller.
    Think it’s antique 1930s as have looked it up
    It’s dark mahogany colour wood and think it’s oak.
    It’s in a good structural condition but needs sanding and restraining.
    Want to sell it as have no need for it anymore.
    I live in Hampshire but do go to Barnet in Hertfordshire occasionally.
    Do you know if anyone that would be interested in buying it and restoring it?

  35. Hi there
    I am desperately trying to get hold of Alex Charny who fixed my chandelier.
    But my phone died a full on death and I no longer have access to his details.
    Alex Charny based in Greenwich: does that ring a bell at all?
    Thank you so much

  36. I’m looking for a Holophane acorn globe #3094. Would you happen to know of anyone that might have one? Thanks

  37. Hi, I’m interested in one of your light fittings you listed on ebay.
    Could you please get back to me?

  38. Hi Mike
    I just saw an email from you but it just vanished, not sure what’s going on with my gmail account. I’m trying a different email address.
    We’re interested in your ebay listing:
    Ceiling Light FACTORYLUX Vintage Style 5 Light Industrial Pendant

    We have very low ceilings and I’m not sure if the light fitting will leave us enough clearance. What’s the minimum drop for it?

    We’re in Watford too and were wondering if we could have a look at the light fitting at one point.


  39. Hello Michael,
    I was fascinated by the range of products and ‘your story’ on this website and I noted in the FAQs that you may be interested in purchasing retro lighting.

    I have some used light fittings and wondered if you might be interested in any of them or could advise how best to restore and rehome them?

    There are four retro twin wall lights from the 1970s made by Merchant Adventurer Ltd – two with glass and two with ribbed plastic shades. Sadly, two of the latter have yellowed from the heat of the bulbs, but I don’t know if they can be restored? They are similar to the shade you have listed as “Ceiling Light Pendant 1960s – Plastic Space Age”.

    There is also a matching retro single and twin wall light with a frilled edge acid-etched Fleur-de-Lys design glass bowl from the mid-1990s, plus a couple of 42″ ceiling fans from the 1990s, both with their original boxes.

    Please let me know if you would like me to send over some photos. I look forward to hearing from you.

  40. Hi Michael,
    In the 1990’s I purchased a number of different lights from Christopher Wray in the Kings Road. They include a metal three armed chandelier and 6 matching wall sconces all with marbled white Christopher Wray shades, a brass electric oil lamp again with a Christopher Wray yellow marbled shade edged in orange. I also have 4 etched tulip shaped lampshades with an orange tint and 2 other white pearlescent shades with a pale beige curvy edge. Would you be interested in these items?

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